Hi, I have just recently gotten my second cyst. My first one was about 4 years ago and I had to get it drained because it was so large and painful that I could not sit. This time around, I started to notice it about a month ago. For a short time it went down in size and pain, and thought it was going away on its own. During the past week, I was under a lot of stress ( I read that may contribute to it) and it flared up to the point that I had to take off work today. My boyfriend found this page and went to get the supplies for the remedy last night. I was pleased to find that after applying it off and on for a cpl hours it felt better, and when I woke up this morning it had a small amount of puss coming out of it. I then decided to take an Epsom Salt bath for the hope that it would burst. Still nothing though.. now it just seems as if I have made the skin raw. Is there a point that I should stop using the concoction, or is it safe to use even though the actual skin may be irritated? Any info would help.. I am miserable :(