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Re: Home remedy for cysts/abscesses
LADY SNOW Views: 195,163
Published: 12 y
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Re: Home remedy for cysts/abscesses

incredible!! Phoebe posted this SIX years ago in 2007, (I think in November, unless it's a European date format, in that case it would be march...anyhow). today is Wed. June 19, 3013 and I have aways been into alternative remedies and medicine but had never heard of this one. I'm 50 and have been getting these small lumps on my outer labia for probably over 20 yrs. Forever ago a Gynecologist told me it was similar to Acne in the skin of the labia. I thought that odd. They looked & felt like boils and in the past they'd quickly grow to a head and I'd had no problem squeezing them so they'd release blood and puss. Ew gross! I know! I'd get them once every 2 yrs or so. I've been using tea tree oil as an antiseptic for cuts and Acne for years, so I always used it on these boils. I had NO idea it was the Bartholin gland until reading about it last week!! NO gynecologist had ever talked to me about that. I mean, I was told it was like boils (acne) on a gland, but never a clear description.
Most importantly Phoebe's remedy is a miracle cure! I was incredibly pleased to learn something amazing and new last night when I mixed a teaspoon of tea tree oil with a table spoon of quality witch hazel and a heaping tablespoon of Calamine lotion. I soaked it up with a cotton pad and put the soaked cotton pad with the tincture on the boil and a sanitary napkin on my underwear. I slept with it in place and this morning I woke up and low and behold the boil had erupted and completely gone down. I sat in a sitz bath with some Epsom Salts then I took shower and put another tincture soaked cotton pad onto the open boil with a new sanitary napkin and took my dogs out for a walk. When I returned an hour later and removed the pad. I was truly amazed. The swelling is almost gone. I presume in a few days with this treatment it will be gone completely.
I would NEVER have thought of this myself. I am SO grateful to have found this because for the 1st time in over 20 yrs I thought I'd have to have this lanced and/or removed by a doctor and I have no health coverage currently.
All's well now! I am so glad I don't listen to doctors or some people who say, "don't look on the Internet for health remedies and issues".. I say screw that! :)


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