Oh my gosh you are a goddess of healing for bringing this info to us suffering from the same annoyance! It took 3 days for me I took sitz bath after sitz bath and also what you suggested and after days of crying taking ibuprofen(which helped somewhat) and contemplating going to the e.r uninsured it finally started to burst whilst in bed with my fiancee. I got up so fast! And before I could make it to the door it was pouring down my legs with a stench that is very indescribable. Though gruesome the relief was a slice of heaven never felt so relieved! I made an Acct just to thank you..years later : ) I am very grateful to you. This was my third occurrence in about 3 years and I am 22 because of your help and other things that happened in my life I will consider homeopathic remedies in oppose to chemical the hospital gives you. I will report back if anything new emerges! Thank you Phoebe!!! You are loved!!