Im on disability for chronic fatigue syndrome, CMV, epstein barr, coxsackie B virus, hhv6, mycoplasma etc etc. Im slowly improving to see big results on 1. low dose naltrexone (worked up to 4.5mg), 2. NAC 2400mg (all at once in the morning, worked up to that dose), 1 gram MSM, 4 grams sodium ascorbate (salt vitamin c),1600mg methyl folate, 5mg methyl b12 under the tongue, and 4 pills of famvir a day (worked up to that dose). If I could afford Valcyte, I would be taking that too. Occassionaly I take healthy trace minerals like vanadium, molybendum, boron, Iodine (lugols iodine), zinc, etc and Im gluten free and on a low Sugar diet with 0 alcohol. Get your life back!