Re: Cured by eating only bananas for 10 days.
I am not a naysayer as I see that we are all so different and must find what works for each of us with our individual body types, metabolism, chemical makeup etc.
I went on a vegetarian, high carb diet and felt great ...on top of the world for 2 years. Then suddenly I wasn't doing so hot. I started feeling tired, hypoglycemic, anxiety, adrenaline rushes night and day. Something snapped! It was the wrong diet for my particular body and I ended up in Adrenal Fatigue.
I feel a lot more balanced now that I eat more balanced, a minimum of 8oz protein per day, moderate amount of carbs and small amounts of healthy fats. If I don't eat this way I feel worse. I am still trying to dig myself out of the whole i dug with the wrong diet.
I honestly believe everyone is different and am thrilled for you that you have found what works because it can be very hard to find it for some.