Re: Nations requiring vaccines have worst infant mortality rates
You must be reading a different sciencebasedmedicine site than the one I read. What I have repeatedly found is that they go out of their way to try to tell you what to think and hold anyone who disagrees up to ridicule - and I don't mean just the posters there, I mean the actual article writers. Just one example out of hundreds is this exchange on the article you linked to about vaccines:
We object to forced vaccinations because vaccines are not thoroughly tested for safety, and never have been. Any honest vaccine researcher will admit that the evidence for LONG-TERM safety just isn’t as substantial as they would like you to believe. 10-day studies just don’t cut it.
David Gorski
What utter tripe! Vaccines are among the most extensively tested and monitored medical interventions that exist. The reason is that they are preventive, and not therapeutic, meaning that they are administered to healthy children. Consequently, they have far more stringent risk-benefit ratio requirements.than treatments.
There are many, many more worse examples. The poster was correct, by the way, in that many vaccination researchers have bemoaned the lack of long term safety studies - and what Gorski posted was utter bullcrap. There is an absolute dearth of long term studies on vaccination risks and almost no such studies on the long term effects of combinations of vaccines even by mainstream medicine and absolutely zilch when it comes to independent studies.
Regardless of the studies Gorski and his ilk pick and choose, they are rude and controlling mainstream apologists to the core and I have little use for them.