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Inuit paradox, fish (brain food) and Vitamin D3
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Inuit paradox, fish (brain food) and Vitamin D3

The wonders of a life based on nature!

The health and strength of the inuit, the reasons for the results of a higher IQ when on a diet of fatty fish, the reasons why they can live so well off of whale, marine mammal and fish fat..

Animals store their self-produced D3 in several different ways, Furry mammals grow it into their fur, pigs, humans and other smooth-skinned critters store it in their fat, birds store it in part in their fat and their feathers, reptiles.. well, I haven't checked that out entirely yet!

What are you eating when you eat fatty fish and marine mammal blubber? Nyyuup.. You tell me!

Here's what I assembled out of the Vitamin D council's comments on how D3 works in the brain:
(please do read and review!)

"Vitamin D has a significant biochemistry in the brain. Nuclear receptors for vitamin D exist in the brain and vitamin D is involved in the biosynthesis of neurotrophic factors, synthesis of nitric oxide synthase, and increased glutathione levels—all suggesting an important role for vitamin D in brain function. Animal data indicates that tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme for all the brain's monoamines, is increased by vitamin D. Rats born to severely vitamin D deficient dams have profound brain abnormalities."

.. It's all geeky greek until one uses a few evenings on Wikipedia! The link above (PDF) that I provide includes the explanation of the terminologies used (fx, what neurotrophic factors are), and what it means for neurological health.

One of the things I find most interesting is D3's role in stiumulating the production of glutathione in the body- basically what you need to up the production of glutathione is some D3, avacado, a health diet and rest!

God gave us wonderful bodies and all the tools we need to take care of it. I think Science should -benefit- nature and confirm our health and well being.. not pull us so far away from the land as it has done.



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