Re: Too much of a good thing nearly killed Gary Null
Out of Africa theory"<<
"point is... it is a *theory*.
IMO it is incorrect for a variety of reasons I will not get into here...
however, you can believe what you will.
We are however, ALL connected, and more closely related, one to another, than by
DNA alone.
As it
applies to nutrition, it's the best that anyone can come up with. That we evolved
in various geographic locations as some have believed, is pretty much out of
vogue - all due to mitochondrial DNA analysis which has blown holes in
archaeologists theories. It's a case where the archaeologists didn't want
to meet the geneticists, but they did and they have had to back down.
Through that type of research they have also determined that "we" are
not evolved from Neanderthals, something that was also believed by some
scientists. We're from a different tree. A significant theory is
that we began to evolve from primates when we began eating fat. We are all
fat heads - 60% of our brains are fat. We need fat in order to
survive. Am still holding on to the fact that meat and fat are healthier
than veggies - of any kind. (Vegetarians brains shrink at a much faster
rate - 6 times - than meat eaters.
The Inuit Diet is being suppressed by both doctors and nutritionists because it
doesn't follow their low-fat nonsense which continues to produce heart disease
and cancer.
you're taking a "biblical" perspective, I myself see no conflict
between evolution and Judeo-Christianity. Chapter 1 of Genesis has a
creation of the planet and mankind prior to the Chapter 2 Adam and Eve
version. In fact, there could easily be a creation prior to Chapter 1
because it tells the man and woman created in the image of god(s) to go out and replenish
the earth - in the KJV.
and I and everyone on the planet is an eternal spirit - separate from our
bodies, and yes we are all connected from the brand new AIDS baby in Africa to
Bill Gates, to the International Bankers - that's what we are here to
learn. I'm a very slow learner, by the way.