Re: Too much of a good thing nearly killed Gary Null
>>"6 years raw and my niacin levels, b12 levels etc are optimal. B12 can be synthesized in a healthy gut. North American lifestyles destroy this innate ability and it takes time and knowledge to rebuild function. Cultured vegetables and SBO's will do the necessary rebuilding."<<
You are right.
A healthy gut flora will manufacture niacin, methylcobalamin and CoQ10... among a host of all other nutritional needs too, assuming one supplies the microflora with the proper nutrition.
With a little research, one can find that many drugs, such as antifungals,
Antibiotics , etc., and most supplements are *manufactured* in a lab using this *microflora*, that SHOULD populate our gut naturally, but is now found to be extinct in most due to a whole host of reasons, including broad spectrum
Antibiotic and antifungal use.
The most fascinating thing IMO, is that the microflora (fungi, including yeasts and molds, and bacteria) communicates with each other, the host's brain (nervous system), and body's cells to produce what is needed, when needed, in the needed amounts... again assuming one is getting the necessary nutrition, and all cylinders are firing... In fact, the microflora can make one nutrient out of several different things... so there are always options.
Which leads me to believe that Kervran's observation and papers on transmutation most likely had everything to do with the gut and systemic microflora...
The food and medicine industries and its unrelenting propaganda machine makes\made people germaphobic... and sick as a result.
simple as that...
The longer out I am with home cultured foods, kefirs, kombucha... and not worry about *dirt*, the stronger I continue to get... I am sure it is bound to plateau at some point as I get older... but I have not seemed to have gotten there yet :-)