Re: Too much of a good thing nearly killed Gary Null
"We were designed to live in the environment we populated by eating
local, properly grown and raised, seasonal foods.
And running around naked as the seasons permit.
Simple as that..."
The Out of Africa theory is currently the prevailing view among research
scientists. That has been substantially supported by the recent field of mitochondrial
DNA studies. (You and I and everyone else on the planet have African
ancestors.) That view is held by the authors of two books that I have -
"The Vitamin D Cure" by James Dowd, MD and "The Power of Vitamin
D" by Sarfaz Azidi MD and both point out the subsequent difficulties that
everyone in the northern climes have creating vitamin D from sunshine.
Azidi has a practice in Los Angeles and is also an associate professor at UCLA
and he says the vast majority of people he tests (he tests all his patients) are
vitamin D deficient. They both point out that sun provides very little
vitamin D production for most people, and dark skinned people living in the
Northern Hemisphere in particular have an even higher incidence of vitamin D deficiency
because of their built in sun blockers. Both books say that we in the
Northern Hemisphere have significant vitamin D deficiencies and have the
diseases and conditions associated with that shortage. They both recommend
significant supplementation with vitamin D3.
We did not evolve on local flora and fauna. I'll stick to my
guns. The healthiest natural human diet found in real time on the planet
is - the Inuit Diet. Their cardiovascular and cancer rates are far lower
than any other population and their eating and medical statistics have been
documented - before they and their offspring turned to the typical Western
diets. To prove that it is the diet that is beneficial a couple of
researches ate the Inuit way for three years in their home country in Europe
while under medical monitoring - during the 1920s, and were found to be healthy
living that life style.
What I did learn during my nudist experiences is that - there is no such
thing as a perfect body. In fact if I were running things there wouldn't
be a "dress down" Friday, there would be a no clothing Friday where
you couldn't be at your job or anywhere in public with a stitch of clothing
on. If we could do that it would blow the Madison Avenue/Hollywood
air-brushed pictures and associated propaganda about bodies clearly out of the
water. Some folks think that nudity is immoral. They've got it
Carbohydrates kill! So does clothing. lol