Re: I just want my life back
I also have great empathy for you! I really don't wish to share all the traumatic experiences that occurred during my earliest childhood memories and adolescence as it would really be a book in itself.
I would like to share that in addition to obtaining much emotional healing after receiving the Lord Jesus Christ into my life and reading in the Bible that He is the healer. Once I read He was the Healer I, I said o.k. now I want to encounter and know you as Healer and I had many supernatural encounters with a living Savior.
But to move on now to making a suggestion to you is that you may wish to look into Tapas Accupressure Technique (TAT) on
TAT was created by Tapas Fleming. It is a very simply, yet very powerful tool. You can download the free instruction booklet from her website on how to do TAT. It is very calming and liberating. For me, because of my personal beliefs, I alter the verbage to say "this healing I am about to receive" because your Word says by Your Stripes and I am healed and also says "for I will restore you to health and heal you of your wounds"........... and I do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the power of His shed blood.
Unlike psychotherapy or psychiatry you do NOT have to relive any of the traumas. You simply have to say THIS HAPPENED and you don't have to go into every detail of what happened or relive the experience. you do this while in the "TAT pose" which is shown in the TAT free booklet.
Just wanted to make you aware of this. And if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ get cd's of healing scriptures and very soft worship music and soak in them.