Re: Your certificate has nothing to do with Obama's
Your argument is moot...
Fact - Obama has spent much money to keep this, and his educational history among other things like international travel and schooling, under wraps for possibly a variety of reasons, whether he was born in Hawaii or not.
What is Obama afraid of? What is he hiding? That is more of the issue than whether or not he was born in Hawaii...
That is why I did not vote for him... I knew nothing about him... nobody did.
Now that he has broken the vast majority of his campaign promises and still others made while in office, AND he has appointed Biotech, chemical, and oil industry lackeys, former lawyers, and lobbyists into key regulatory agency positions (the same ones meant to regulate the very industries they came from - talk about conflict of interest)... and appointed the thieves of industrial, wall street, and banks into financial offices, we can see he is just another Bush... or more correctly, worse than that.
What is your opinion of his opening up our coasts for offshore drilling? After he promised in campaigning not too... pulling the drill baby drill opposition into his camp.
BTW - I did not vote for McCain - Palin either.
What would it have been if Bush II did the same thing?
Where is the left outcry from that one?
BTW - I know about what clears screenings and such with federal agencies... for reasons I will not go into here... and I passed the clearances at the time just fine.
I do not need a lecture in that.