And that was just from one day at one site on the health issue.
Obama is sending swat teams to all the oil rigs in the gulf now too. Hey, wait a minute, what does teams of people that are trained to kill other people have to do with saving the oil rigs? Are oil riggers terrorists now? Or is this a way to shut down the oil rigs until they're "safe and secure" because this is a "national security threat"? No more "drill baby drill"? Or maybe we'll have good, safe, government approved oil now? That would be nice! The 150 billion dollars a day they make on oil tax already isn't enough to keep us safe. We should give them more! More taxes = more safety, ya know. Or maybe those darn pirates are at it again in the gulf now? Maybe those darn old oil companies are going under like the banks and they need a bailout too? Give them money too so they don't collapse the economy cause they're "too big to fail". How could we possibly ever figure this out because we're just stupid sheep that need to have the government do all our thinking for us. More government solves everything! Thank God the government can do everything for us! Cause I feel safe and free now. ;-)