14 y
Re: What I find interesting is...
You obviously refuse to participate in the election process - therefore you
have no right to complain about it.
We have had mob rule in this country and nobody did anything about it - the
applauded it. That was during the era of lynchings in the South when
hundreds of blacks were killed without a trial or a chance of any kind and many
would like to return to.
"You make a good cog in the wheel of democracy... You may think of
yourself as a free thinking individual, but you are just another conditioned
conformist... another agent of the mob who looks to be shown the way by a
so-called elected politician. He'll fix things....."
Yes I am a cog in the wheel of democracy. (We are actually a republic,
not a democracy.) It is an imperfect system but it's better than anyone
else has come up with.
"What happens to the Individuals that excel, that are more creative
than others? That have greater intelligence? That aren't afraid of being alone,
not afraid of moving away from the crowd? Individual rights are displaced by
reasons to keep the crowd more safe and secure. A more secure and safe
enviornment is voted on by the mob. It dulls individual intelligence. It deadens
the society as a whole. That's why people are walking in their sleep, running on
automatic pilot... staring at the boobtube. And this is your reality. This is
your joy. It is a convenient dead-life that you have."
I know of no other country in the world that has allowed individuals the
opportunity to excel more than we in the United States. How do you think
that Henry Ford would have made out in any other country? Do you remember
the 1960s? What other part of the world would have allowed the alternative
life styles of those days? (In fact Richard Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover
couldn't stand it and passed idiot drug laws to try and control them.) The
anti-war demonstrations? We are the freest thinking and acting nation in
recorded history. That's why progress is continuing at a rapid pace and as
I've said many times before, there are people who are going crazy because they
can't stand it.