Re: Animal Protein Linked to Increased Diabetes Risk
Raw Omnivore should be the next big thing on Curezone.
People have tried vegetarian... what a dud.
People have tried vegan... good cleansing, but can run only temporary... you soon run out of nutrition.
People have tried fruitarian... even more malnutrition.
vegan, fruitarian, are mere cleansing, treatment, temporary diets. Usefull... for a limited time only.
Even good old wise and experienced Natural Hygienist STANLEY BASS now at 91 concedes to RAW OMNIVORE as the mainstay diet.
A lot more people will be CURED faster and better and stay on the program much longer if RAW OMNIVORE were the dominating forum on curezone.
How does one become a moderator of Raw Omnivore anyway? I'll gladly help moderate raw omnivore and set the record straight.
Diabetes? Please... the easiest of the idiotic incurable diseases to cure.
HIGH FAT, LOW CARB, RAW OMNIVORE is the key to curing diabetes. No need to wait for an idiotic 30 days like in the movie. And the indian chief in the movie? He would have loved it and been cured ASAP, it is the diet of his ancestors.