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Re: Take the challenge, no more toxic people.
DeniseinAZ Views: 4,284
Published: 16 y
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Re: Take the challenge, no more toxic people.

What an odd thread. Of course there are people you should remove your energies from. You do not always attract what you are, you often will attract the antithesis of that, or someone who weasles their way in to distract you from the good you should be doing elsewhere. It is only logical to limit where you spend time, and the older you get the smarter you are about it (one would hope).

This is different of course from the person who walks into situation after situation where the same outcome is apparent, and whines about it being everyone else's fault.

But there is certainly a difference. I am getting very good at spotting it early, now, the person you are kind to who suddenly views you as their prey. It takes diligence and effort not to fall into the same trap, especially if you have a tendency towards kindness or wanting to rescue people.

Some people are black holes, no amount of energy or effort on your part can save them, and others are simply people needing a hand up out of the hole.

Person one tries to pull you in with them.

Person two is in a temporary state and merely needs a hand to get out.

There is a definite difference between the two.



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