Ok, ok, ok. Everything is a magnet. Sara, you've been on cz long enough to know where the forums are to get sympathy and where productive conversations take place. Trapper's forum is about self discovery, health, et al. It's about 'self'. Had the conversation been brought up in a constructive tone perhaps it would have been handled differently. I know there are other forums where this might not have happened.
It's the law of vacuum. What is God showing you through these parallel posts? That everybody else sucks? Probably not. There is an element of truth here. As is everywhere in this world. Just like ya can't go to the iodine forum and say 'I overdosed without thinking for myself, took too much iodine and I think it's all you guys' fault.' That'll never fly. Nor can one go to V's forum and say 'everything bad happens to me, people suck and I don't know why'...yeah, that'd never fly either. You will get productive answers. Productive answers aren't enabling answers - they're real...and real doesn't always come with a scoop of ice cream and chocolate sauce on the side.