Individual choices
While I do agree that Dr. Clark is a genius. I don't agree with all her views on nutrition. Especially, for example, concerning milk. As far as I'm concerned milk is for cows, not people. A far more easily digestable form of calcium is available in almonds. A small handful a day will fulfull all your calcium needs. I'm also for eating healthy without tons of processed or artificial food but I would say that different people have different ideas of what healthy eating is and no matter what you eat you can still benifit from the cleanses on this web site. It might be best to do the cleanses in the recommended order but it's not the only way and sometimes one part of the body is gasping out for relief more than another. She also gives little hope for overweight people, saying that if it doesn't go down after the healthy changes that you should get rid of mirrors and learn to live with it. Apparently weight problems hasn't been the focus of her research.
I find that there are two effective ways to change lifestyle habits. The first one involves going through and throwing out everything that is bad. This can almost cause culture shock in some people and they go back to the old way because it's too fast a change. The second one involves making a list of priority and make the changes gradually. This causes the improvements in health to be slower and might cause some people to give up before they have gotten far enough to experience success. So again It comes back to individual choices.
Question for whoever. Is there anyone out there who is on her health plan completly who does get nausea?
By the time I had done the third cleanse I had completed all the other cleanses and still threw up and felt tired after that liver flush. And doesn't she say you may feel tired for a few days?
On my last cleanse I didn't throw up and I felt the best I have in ten years. The week prior to that I had eaten junk. Probably the worst foods I had eaten in over 5 years. So I don't think food the week prior affects the nausea unless your bowels are blocked up.
What I think is that:
either you ate the wrong thing the day of the flush (made that mistake once)
or you are susceptable to blood
Sugar problems (which is apparently regulated by the liver as well as the pancreas so it makes sense that it might not be working well during a flush)
or you are so toxic that it's just one more stress added to the other stresses your liver is suffering from. But it's a stress that relieves the problem.
In my case I think I had problem number two and three during the first few flushes. Which would explain why each flush takes less recovery time and makes me feel better faster. Except for the times a stone moved to a uncomfortable spot.
I will have been back on healthing eating habits this whole month so the next flush might confirm your theory. If so I'll eat braised crow again:)
I'm all for cleaning the toxins our of our lives but for most of us that is a step by step journey. I am fighting heck here trying to convince my family that we can use borax to clean things. So I can control some of the toxin clean ups but it may be a while before it's all done.
Thats my two cents,
Ps. I am slightly dyslexic and for some reason when I type it really shows up. I mix words around, letters around and even sometimes leave words out. Please forgive my posts when they don't make sense because of that. While I seem to have overcome this problem during normal reading I can't seem to see the mistakes till I have had a break from seeing my own writing for a day or so.