UPDATE Re: Chronic Baterial Vaginosis -- What I've learned & what's working
It has been three months since I started my self-treatment. I have been BV free for three months.
After being on the oral probiotics only a few days I started seeing a difference. I used the powdered probiotics with (unsweetened, unflavored, organic) yogurt a few times, but abandoned it because of the mess. I purchased some Bio Fem Active Gel, which I had to purchase from the UK.
I take one probiotic a day now, instead of the three, just to maintain. Sometimes I forget to take it. Before my period starts, I up my dosage to 2 a day when I can feel things are just not quite "right".
I use the Bio Fem Active Gel after sex or anytime I feel things aren't quite right.
What I have found is that I can tell when my PH is just .5 off.
I was having no symptoms at all as long as we were using condoms during sex. Now, I occasionally have that "off" feeling, but I can prevent an infection from starting by just using the above measures.
I would call my BV "cured" insofar as it is managed like a diabetic who must take insulin once a day. If I have to take one pill for the rest of my life in order to stay clear, I think that is small price to pay.