Re: Chronic Baterial Vaginosis UPDATE
I went to see my Dr. today, & I couldn't have asked for a better visit.
After having been on oral probiotics L. Rhumnosus & Reuteri since Saturday, my pH level had dropped from 5.5 to 4.5 -- near normal!
I told the Dr. about the Atobium vaginae. She hadn't heard of this before but was extremely interested. She took the medical study/article that I had brought with me.
I told her what all I had learned about probiotics specific to the vaginal tract & discussed the probiotic treatments with her. She was extremely open to this.
So here is the plan that my doctor & I have come up with:
*She will do some research on her own to find out if there is an identified
Antibiotic that targets this Atobium vaginae without killing Lactobacillus. If she finds one, she will order the PCR test for me (this is the more complicated test than the gram stain).
*I will continue taking the NW Prodophilus Reuteri three times a day.
*I will mix the NW P. Reuteri powder with plain yogurt & insert it vaginally every other day.
*She is going to talk to her compounding pharmacist & see if there is a more convenient delivery mechanism for the probiotics, though we both doubt it, since it's necessary for the cultures to be live.
*I am going to periodically do my own pH screen as I am doing the treatment.
*If all goes well, after a couple of months I will drop down to 1 oral probiotic/day & increase it for the week before my period.
I fell better already! I am so thrilled to have found a doctor that takes me seriously & treats me like I have a brain. She took all my research, plus my 4 pages that I had written about my findings (basically a version of what I've typed here), & was very impressed. She said that if this works she may be able to start helping all her other patients with chronic BV.
Good luck to everyone else. I hope my information has been helpful. I will give updates on my progress.