2 weeks was all it took for me to wipe out a never ending 20 yrs sentence of moderate to severe acne.
I went sugar free for 2 weeks. I still had artificially sweetened stuff. I know bad right? but it worked. If you MUST eat sugar ..go with sugar free items.
Take cold milled flax seed, ground can be found at the vitamin shoppe etc etc.
Fish oil caps. I did NOT take those everyday ..so i cannot accredit them. I have NOT taken them since SEPT 2007 and I still enjoy a virtually acne free face.
I also took MH 's hormone herbal balance since May of 2007 WAY before the acne free challenge. but I do believe it works but takes a LONG time.
Eat a diet primarily of fruit, veggies, and meat.
Very lil of the other stuff
I drank protein shakes (sugar free) the whole time.
STop complaining about your acne while eating your ice cream. ( eat the sugar free kind)
And try this ..2 weeks ..what do you have to lose.
I had ACNE for 20 yrs and now its gone after 7 months STILL no more.
Unless i eat 5 cupcakes and then i get a few very small pimples a few days later. YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR ACNE
LET me CLARIFY: during the 2 week sugar free period. I ate no food other than sugar -free protein shakes. If you dont want that I dont know what else you are to do. Maybe veggies and meat. No fruit or sugar
After the diet ..i eat fruit , veggies, meat etc with no adverse effects. ONLY If i eat a huge amount of refined sugar at one sitting.
Something else that I forgot to mention. I quit using acne skin care treatments. I use normal stuff and pond's cold cream to take my makeup off. I am beginning to think that the popular acne produts actually was making things worse. I have tried them from time to time? And it seems my acne would multiply while using the benzoyl peroxide products after awhile. hmmm.
So what I am saying is CUT EVERYTHING OUT. FORGET THE HYPE and B.S. and try this and that. It's like a stab in the dark.
If you really want to be clear after 2 weeks do exactly as I did ...That way there are no altercations. if you can stand to drink sugar free protein shakes for 2 weeks and no other food.
Some of you might say well that's not very healthy? but how much do you hate your acne?
I stumbled on this by accident. trying to lose weight
Ok don't eat fruit..
JUst try it ..sugar free for 2 weeks with the cold milled flax seed. I know what you are saying.. I did that to .and it didnt help me either.
BUT I think you also need to quit cleansing. 2 weeks ..Just quit all the cleansing, All the b.s. go sugar free for two weeks.. just try it for me.. and then come back and tell me it doesnt work for you.
I didn't eat fruit during that two week period . I said i had protein shakes and flax seed the ground up kind and the fish oil caps
I said my diet now consists of fruit, veggies etc.
I am not saying you have to drink protein shakes for two weeks. but be on some kinda limited sugar free diet. eat beans and veggies all 2 weeks. I know ur a vegetarian or else i would say eat meat.
That's great to hear! But let me clarify, you don't eat any refined sugar but you still eat artificial sugar? Fake sugar is probably the worst thing you can do to your skin and your body, and you haven't broken out from this? Sugar-free gums, drinks, ice-creams..etc are killers, I'd rather the sugar laden ones over that. And do you stick to just meat and veggies as your daily meals after the 2 week "diet"? Do you still eat pastas, bread, eggs, potatoes..etc or have you cut all of that out completely? I can't do that. I've cut out SOME wheat and gluten by replacing my bread with organic wheat-free brands which by the way are terribly expensive. But I can't pass up lasagna night, or BBQ's or things you'd look ridiculous passing up at events and parties, 'specially when you're hungry. That's just not living for me..it's got to be something else, I mean cutting out every human food on the planet is okay for some (the strong ones) but it's almost impossible to live like that. I would be miserable every day.
In my personal opinion, I think that the problem is mainly caused by emotional issues & stress. I mean I totally agree with diet to a certain degree, but there has to be more. I am so glad to hear that your skin has been clear this long, keep up the great work!! Thank you for posting your success - but I for one can't live on just meat and veggies my whole life.
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