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Re: how i cured my acne 7 months ago!! take the 2 week challenge!!!!
trysten3000 Views: 78,523
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Re: how i cured my acne 7 months ago!! take the 2 week challenge!!!!

I did ground flax seeds every day for like a year, and fish oils (before I was vegetarian) for like..4 years or something? Maybe 3 years..but yeah. You get the picture.

Diet is certainly important to overall health, but it doesnt do anything to my acne.

Ive been eating whatever the hell I want (besides gluten as I know I have a sensitivity to that) lately. Results? Skin no worse than before. Maybe even a little better because I feel more like a normal person and Im not so stressed.

Im thinking stress may have more of a factor than anything else. And demodex mites..but damn if they arent impossible to get rid of since the medications for them are too harsh for my skin.

And you know..I ran out of all the flax seeds and oil since losing my job, and I think Ive actually felt better without them. I wonder why..I wonder if they oxidise in my system more than other peoples and actually do more harm than good. Ive heard of other people breaking out from them too. If I wasnt a vegetarian Id do the fish oils again, but thats a deal breaker for me.

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