The most impressive article for me. Fall guys is a colorful team game
From what you said, I take it that you are right-handed and play volleyball & probably other sports.
Consider this, how much tension do you put in your right-handed spikes on the ball?
How much tension is placed on the upper right side of your body. All right-handed activities could be placing tension on that side of your upper body.
Think about the "cross-over" connection that is unconsciously placed in the left hip area / lower left side of body...
Recommend pressure point massage to relieve the tension that's been unconsciously placed & accumulated over time. Seek balance in how things are being done.
What are the common causes of testicular cancer?
As with most cancers testicular cancer has been linked to viral infections. In this case Epstein Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus and human endogenous retrovirus type K (HERV-K).
And what are the risk factors for the common causes?
The first two viruses are sexually transmitted viruses.
Likewise - for non testicular cancer lumps, i.e. non cancerous lumps, what are the common causes, and risk factors for the common causes?
These could be a hydrocele, variocele, spermatocele, cyst, pseudocyst, granuloma, hemangioma or benign tumor. Knowing which one specifically would be a big help.
If you can take a closeup picture of it without showing any of his private parts & upload it to curezone could get some
ideas about it.
Good idea, but as much as he hates doctors I think he'd rather make an appt than hand over picture of his swollen private part for me to post on a message board.
Good idea, but as much as he hates doctors I think he'd rather make an appt than hand over picture of his swollen private part for me to post on a message board.
Ah, come on. Where is his sense of adventure?
Ah, come on. Where is his sense of adventure?
I'd comment more but I believe this forum is G rated.
This sounds a lot more like a cyst than a tumor. That is to fast of a growth for a testicular tumor and the rest does not sound like a tumor either.
He can either find another doctor to drain it if it is a cyst. Or try herbs for the lymphatic system, which are great for cysts. Chickweed is my first choice followed by red root. Warm compresses with Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) may help as well.
I just called him to let him know to use the warm compress and epsom salt. I can bring him the chickweed tomorrow.
He had a hip fracture about a year ago on the same side as the growth and was wondering if it would be related. The first swell happened just a couple months after the fracture. He was in a wheel chair for about 6 weeks during recovery.
He had a hip fracture about a year ago on the same side as the growth and was wondering if it would be related. The first swell happened just a couple months after the fracture. He was in a wheel chair for about 6 weeks during recovery.
Yes, this is very possible since lymph nodes could have been affected or blood vessels damaged.
He was very relieved to know that it wasn't likely a tumor.
Could damaged lymph nodes or blood vessels cause cysts? How ???
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