I've had swelling of the left testicle since I was about 10 years old, or younger. I always thought it was just bigger. Turns out its not, the testes are the same size. I'm 23 now and the swelling has not increased in volume, its does not bother me unless I'm contacted in the genitals or do any intensive high impact sports e.g. volleyball.
This leads me to believe its not a hernia, since generally hernias increase in size and most cause significant pain at some point. Also I do not have any lump on my groin, except some extra 'mass' directly to the left of my penis (communicating hydrocele of the spermatic cord?)
However, Sneezing, coughing, going to the bathroom, eating (large amounts), and walking/standing for a long time will cause the swelling to reoccur.
Laying down, and lifting my legs up quickly reverses the swelling.
The story on fasting is by day 2 the swelling was completely gone. Day 5 when I returned to normal eating, it returned, perhaps somewhat smaller.
I would really appreciate opinions from anyone familiar with hernias, hydroceles, or other testicular swelling especially related to eating/fasting, and natural healing methods.
I'm currently looking for a natropath to examine me, but I will not have surgery regardless. I will heal myself whatever it is. I've just read too many stories of GP's wrongly diagnosing other swelling as hernias. And just dealt with too much bs from medical professionals. So for the time being I would love some helpful advice.
Sidenote: I am painting my genitals with iodine. I believe I have some hormone/testosterone/thyroid disruption and I do believe
Iodine is very helpful for that.