Nobody's asking you to use it.
Urine therapy has provided me with many healing benefits including physician diagnosed - before and after, the cure for my skin cancer.
Originally published in about 1917 The Water of Life documents many cancer cures:
Ingesting urine cures liver cancer:
Cures breast cancer:
You can read the many books and testimonials of urine therapy here:
"all those people did other treatments besides urine, show me a case where people drank their urine and thats it to cure leukemia"
That's not true and you obviously didn't read any of the cancer cures at those links. In my own personal case of curing my skin cancer it was urine therapy alone - nothing else except perhaps my love of raw garlic, another known cancer cure.
Here's a couple of verified cases of leukemia being cured with urine therapy:
The Doctor Inoue treated and cured a 3 years old child who suffered a hopeless leukemia. This boy was very weak, with renal failure and had been treated with chemotherapy during two months. The dose for the boy was 4 glasses daily (1 liter) and a vegetarian diet. According to Doctor Inoue, after 40 days of treatment, the boy was totally recovered and the symptoms of leukemia were completely gone.
Leukemia Information Treatment and Therapy
The cure for Leukemia has been found. Dr. Stan Burzynski, MD, Houston, discovered the actual peptide in urine that cures leukemia. He named it Anti Neo Plastons A. Dr. Burzynski presented his findings to the annual meeting of the Federation of the American Societies for Experimental Biology in 1979. In 1929, Dr. John Armstrong had a “leukemia patient, PC, age 48, who had lost 40 lbs. in a year, and could not walk, whom 3 different MD’s had given him 3 months left to live. He had been given the standard treatment of long, deep X-rays, drugs and a series of very toxic injections. His blood had 556000 more white corpuscles than red, per cubic milliliter. He was a dead man walking. I suggested he do a 3 month Fast, of massaging his urine into his skin for an hour each day and drinking 3 glasses of his urine each day. He agreed. Anything to save his life. His wife and friends began massaging urine onto his skin for an hour each day. He drank several glasses daily. In 12 weeks he was back to normal and went back to work. For the next 2 years he did not even have a cold.”
Thanks for your response.
I've practiced UT for about 10 years, a couple of years ago didn't take any for about a month and old issues with bright lights at night came back as did fungus/athlete's foot - which had completely cleared up after almost 60 years of being plagued with it and no cure found - until UT. Anyway, since that one stoppage I drink about a cup a day and sometimes more. I just find it overall beneficial.
I'm far from being a Puritan. I try to step my way through things carefully and also am addicted to martinis though at my age it's perhaps once a week. Junk food on occasion too. As a Type II I have to tread carefully but my last a1c test (a test of how well you are sticking to a proper Type II diet that covers a three month accumulation in your blood) I was well within the normal range and I attribute that to both UT and massive amounts of fish oil - my new supplement that I take at levels I've never approached before.
This is truly a support forum and if Woody7 on this thread were to continue on with their rants about UT I would have tried to send him/her to the debate forum and/or alerted the monitor on this forum but it appears that with the overwhelming evidence to the contrary of that user's limited or no experience, they have opted off of this forum.
Though I have read many good reports about urine therapy, I must admit that I remain a bit skeptical. Certainly I would not rely on urine therapy to try to conquer leukemia or any other form of cancer. Wheatgrass I like a lot, though I would not rely on it either as a standalone treatment. If it were me, I would look at a comprehensive overall anti-cancer protocol such as the one I suggest:
A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol
I will add that the above protocol features oleander as a centerpiece, but also contains much, much more in the way of cancer-fighting herbs and other items, lifestyle advice, stress management, diet, nutrition, etc. Oleander has had some very good success against leukemia.
All the best wishes for you and your patient.
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