I'm thinking of jumping on the enema bandwagon... i bought one of those little douche bottle enemas to start with. I'm thinking of using a drop of eucalyptus oil and tea tree/lavender oil in it (only because using bleach would be frowned upon and painful) I read it helps expell rope worms.. i think thats what my woodchips/poopy stems were. Im desperate to rid my colon of this fluttery crawly feeling.Anyhoo.. i have a few concerns:
1. Will it cause scattering?
2. I ripped out both bath tubs abd installed shower stalls in my bathroom... so where do I lay down? I don't want to risk losing it on the floor :/
Maybe I should go lay outside on a tarp and do it?
I want to try some garlic too but that concerns me that they will scatter... unless i eat a ton of it first and pack both ends with it... they'll be trapped in a garlic wall.