Hi My,
If I had the health/body issue you have, the very first thing I would do is contained in the information below:
As "grist for your mill," are you aware of the almost miraculous results many tens (hundreds?) of thousands of people have experienced, dealing with most of the physical health issues known to humankind, from ingesting the universally powerful antioxidant, ascorbic acid?
If you are seriously interested in finding a solution to your health problem(s), My, and gaining better health in all areas of your body, I encourage you to read [at least the first ten paragraphs of] this article, written by Dr. Robert Cathcart, M.D.
It has a very good chance of solving your health issue(s). You have only better health to gain by applying its recommendation. What have you got to lose?
These three quotes are instructive:
"There are more than ten thousand scientific papers that make it quite clear that there is not one body process (such as what goes on inside cells or tissues) and not one disease or syndrome (from the common cold to leprosy) that is not influenced - directly or indirectly - by vitamin C." -- Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., Dr. Marshall Ringsdorf, D.M.D., and Dr. Emily Sisley, THE VITAMIN C CONNECTION.
"The evidence unequivocally shows that mega-gram doses of vitamin C can prevent and cure a vast list of conditions that plague mankind. It is both inexpensive and completely safe. My conclusion: vitamin C is the 'Primal Panacea.'" -- Dr. Thomas E. Levy, M.D. (You may care to look up the definitions of “primal” and [particularly] “panacea”).
“I have never seen a patient that Vitamin C would not benefit.” -- Dr. Frederick Klenner, M.D. [emphasis all mine]
I wish you the best of success, My, in your search for better health! If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns about ascorbate/vitamin C therapy, please post them here, and/or feel free to contact me privately.
Hi there
Yes Liver help is right Liv.52 could help. read case studies at www healthyliver co uk
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I am a regular user of Liv.52 If you want to know more about Liv.52 Clicke Here
Hope this will help you.
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