Re: Flush 2
From: barry91162 []
Sent: Saturday, 6 April 2002 13:17
Subject: [gallstones] Re: Flush 2
I'll ask you the same question I asked Dawn. Have you had ultrasound
to determine what size and number of stones you are dealing with
inside your gallbladder?
I've had 8 cleanses, and the colic will return for me after 2-7 days
because it takes that long for the large amount of oil to process
through my body. I'm sort of lubbed for a few days and then the colic
is back to it's usual self. Having the ultrasounds (I've actually had
4 of them because I've felt so good that I thought the problem was
gone) will keep you updated on the battle that you are facing.
Good luck with your cleanses. I hope you get that 'big one' out on
your flush.