Morning and Evening Walk
by vibr8
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Practical Daily Walking   16 y  
realizing some everyday things I'm grateful for
Everywhere I go lately I am reminded that walking each day is a good and practical form of exercise for me, for now. Both my son and my daughter belong to gyms and workout daily. They have been an inspiration for me with their focused and goal-oriented discipline. Neither of them have really ever been overweight, either. Their dad has been, although he’s exercised in a disciplined and regular way quite a bit over the years. He’s dealing with blood sugar issues. So am I. There’s where my gratitude for CureZone comes into play. I learn so much on CureZone and much of it I have put ...   read more

The Signs are Everywhere   17 y  
I just have to pay attention to them
Yes, I’m getting the message from every corner of my life that I need to re-establish regular walking into my daily schedule. Don’t know if my readers had realized it by now (probably so) but just to clarify, when I don’t blog about my walking for months at a time, the underlying truth probably is that I have stopped doing my walking. What I’m getting is that I need to start walking again immediately, on a DAILY basis. This town I live in is great for walking, which I’m grateful for. It’s safe, enjoyable, and scenic. Lots of amazing walking paths. In a way, I’m excited about st ...   read more

Walking Again   18 y  
inspired by a judgmental yet practical health practitioner at a raw foods dinner, v8 to restart daily walks x 2
The other night I went to a well-attended raw foods dinner and was talking to a health practitioner who was sitting at my table. Although I felt quite a bit of judgment coming from him about my size (sure, I weigh more than the ”norm” for a person my height, gender, age, etc.) I have a healthy enough self regard to be ok with who I am in the present moment, whether that fits with the ”norm” or not. All of that aside, he was talking to me about what would help me lose weight, as I do eat in a healthy way, and do not overdo it with caloric or fat intake. I have not been exercising other ...   read more

Prolonging Life   18 y  
any physical activity helps prolong life
ANY LEVEL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY HELPS PROLONG LIFE Originally Published in: HealthDay News July 11, 2006 Any kind of exercise will help extend your life, say researchers who used a sophisticated test to arrive at that conclusion. ”There are plenty of reports out there saying that self-reported exercise like running or jogging is beneficial,” said lead researcher Todd M. Manini, an exercise physiologist at the U.S. National Institute on Aging. ”We wanted to see if just usual daily activity had a protective value.” His team’s six-year study of 302 people between 70 and 82 years ...   read more

Long Hot Summer   18 y  
morning, evening, or night, must make walking part of the routine...
Didn’t want to keep going so long without checking in about my commitment to walking. After all, I’m often blogging on my other blog, about all the energy healing and quantum stuff (my true passion); those who notice details such as someone with one active blog and one that appeared to reach a stillpoint last May might have wondered what happened. Quite simply, other than walking short distances to get from my car to work, and my driveway to my house, and of course all the walking around I do at work and at home and living my life in between, I haven’t been going for walks really. ...   read more

More Merry Merry Month of May Wandering   18 y  
more hotel walking and thoughts of future gardening
Here in Colorado, May is a hot hot month, mostly. Because I work 50+ hours a week at my ”career” and choose to also keep my alternative health studio going in my ”spare time”, my yard is not being tended to as I would like to tend to it. I would like to water the fruit trees, the lilac bushes, the poor suffering rosebush, well basically everything in the yard including the lawn. It doesn’t even look like a lawn. Just doing that would be lots of exercise, if I could create the time & energy to do it. I have done some walking since my last message here. Last weekend I attended pa ...   read more

Sunday May 14   18 y  
bound and determined to get going with this walking again!
Mother’s Day 2006 I don’t want to just fade away from writing in this Morning Walk blog, so I’m checking in. Since I returned to work after a long leave of absence, I have not walked as much as I was walking prior to returning to work. I guess that makes logical sense now that I’m sitting here writing it down, but I can tell you this: it doesn’t feel right to me. The walking was helping me in so many ways. I want to have the time and energy to continue walking. With the 50+ hours I work at this job, plus the 80+ minute daily back-and-forth commuting time, plus the 3 hours x 6 ...   read more

More than Just a Walk   18 y  
walking the plank with v8
Back at my job. The walking here, I’ve decided, is more than just a walk. It’s so frenetic...the pace, the sights, the sounds... My walking here during a recent shift included: Walking around on the front lawn of the counseling center where I work, talking to a cab dispatcher on the portable phone, while watching a confused client who was out by the front steps with several suitcases waiting and waiting for a cab. 10 minutes walking...nowhere to sit down and I experience pain if I stand in one place for too long. So I walked...and walked...and walked. Then I walked back to the ...   read more

Moon Walk   18 y  
it's a process...
I’m in what seems to me like a whole new world here, the world of being back at my full time job after two *blissful* months of leave time. Walking everyday would be dreamy, but in reality I have not gotten enough sleep in the past 8 days, let alone carving out a time for walking. I walk whenever I can though, even if it just involves parking as far as possible from the store when I go shopping...stuff like that. Yesterday afternoon I went walking for 15 minutes in the neighborhood by my private office-studio. That was nice. I had decided earlier in the day to treat myself to a bo ...   read more

Earth Day Walk   18 y  
splendor in the wheatgrass at the farmers' market
Visiting our local Farmers’ Market today was crowded, almost too crowded to walk very far without stopping, but still a pleasant place to walk. The various organic farms in the area are already displaying quite a large variety of vegetables and flowering plants and lots of other stuff. There’s even something called ”compost tea” (only for plants to drink) at the market. A few assorted folk singers, one crooning ”Tuesday Afternoon” by the Moody Blues as hordes of families rummaged through bins and boxes of free seed packets. Donations for the free seeds would go to shipping free see ...   read more

Hotel by the Creek   18 y  
across town and back in spring blossoming splendor
After much procrastination over many months, I decided today to go to a weekly meeting of some people in a nutrition-focused group who had long ago invited me to join them. I drove to the hotel where they meet on Fridays, went to the restaurant on the creek, their meeting place, and they weren’t there. I thought perhaps I was early, but it was the exact time they usually start. No answer when I called the only group member I had contact information for. I decided to do the buffet breakfast anyway. It was nice, with lots of fruit choices, oatmeal, yogurt, and the usual burnt offering ...   read more

Vegetarian Lioness   18 y  
you'll love this...
While traveling the internet (virtual walking!) to see if I spelled the word ”tyke” correctly in my previous blog message, I came upon the most marvelous web page about a Vegetarian Lioness named ”Little Tyke”. I really do think that many CureZoners will find this story enjoyable and interesting. Here’s an excerpt from the above-referenced web page: ************************************************ ”Science is at a loss when it comes to Little Tyke. Felines are the strictest of carnivores. Without flesh she should have developed blindness, as well as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), ...   read more

April 8-9   18 y  
hotel stairwalking and hilly neighborhood child trike dodging
I’ve been walking quite a bit this weekend. I attended an all-day workshop related to my alternative health biz on Saturday. I know, probably, when you picture one of those all-day workshops you picture roomsful of people sitting still for hours at a time. I decided early in the day that wasn’t going to be me. I don’t like sitting still for that long, especially not when I’m stuck right in the middle of the audience. So I opted for an edge seat so I could get in and out easily and I went for lots of little walks around the hotel and outside the hotel. The workshop was in Greeley, ...   read more

Many Walks   18 y  
enjoying walking with other people lately
Hello! I have been doing well with my daily walking lately. The days I stick to eating vegan/raw/organic I have the most energy and walk the furthest. Interesting how that works... And it does work. I cannot report anything near perfect discipline with regard to the vegan/raw/organic eating that I am working towards acheiving 100%. I do not, however, beat myself up over it when I am not 100% perfect with it. About my recent walks: I enjoy the walks so much more when I am walking with other people lately. This is rather unusual for me, as I treasure aloneness and have for yea ...   read more

Rainy Saturday   18 y  
fun at the Farmer's Market
Today has been a rainy day, off and on. I went to our County’s first Farmer’s Market of the season today. I usually like the Farmer’s Markets during peach season the best, and that’s many months from now. Now’s the time to go around the yard and clean up what another winter has left behind, and figure out what’s needed for the yard and for the garden. I would love to have friends (or family) who would come over to help co-create a thriving yard and garden with me. People who don’t have yards of their own, ideally. But right now there’s me, and I’m enough. I need to dig and ...   read more

March 28   18 y  
many walks, close to home, and downtown
March is marching right along and so am I! Every day I’ve been walking for more than the 1/2 hour I recommitted to recently. Last Saturday night I went downtown for dinner and met a friend there. We went walking afterwards, from the restaurant about 8 blocks to the Co-op, then back to where our cars were parked. I got a shower water purifier from the Co-op during our walk, and I’m absolutely thrilled with the water purifier. It was about half as much as the ones most prominently advertised on the ’net, and works just as well, and furthermore the filter only has to be replaced on ...   read more

March 22   18 y  
strolling in Denver's Capitol Hill
Wow! Unexpected circumstances gave me the opportunity to go for a walk in my old neighborhood. I lived in this city, Denver, so long ago it truly seems like another lifetime. This neighborhood, Capitol Hill, right next to downtown, is where I lived when I was in college, and for a few years after that. It was a nice place to come into adulthood. So much has happened in Denver, in this neighborhood, in the ensuing years. Drugs such as crack cocaine and methamphetamine and heroin have profoundly affected everything about life in Capitol Hill. Stuff like prostitution and porn shops ...   read more

March 19   18 y  
while awaiting beginning of RawFest at co-op, why not take a little stroll?
Well, I’m marching right on through March. Walking at least a half hour each day, sometimes more. The surgical procedure and recovery only slowed me down slightly. Becoming ever so much more conscious of my eating choices, the environment within my home, and the other environments I spend time with was another gift of my recent ”health emergency.” I really think we can use these untoward events life sometimes throws at us to create ourselves into stronger more vibrant beings. Today I wanted to go to our local food coop and check out their RawFest. Rather than link to a temporary ...   read more

Ides of March   18 y  
walking where the town and the mountains converge
After a heart-related health issue stirred up everything in my usually calm world last Sunday night, I ended up in a local hospital for a short stay. If you wish to know all the gorey details, please refer to my other blog, to an entry called Happenings. I will not let this heart related health issue deter my walking. Or should I say detour? Well, anyway, this morning I resumed my walking. I was in the area at the west end of town, where the mountains and the town join seamlessly together. It’s a lovely spot. There’s a park where two of the town’s main streets converge directl ...   read more

March 11   18 y  
baby steps
OK, so I’m doing this 1/2 hour of walking per day thing. Of course I walk longer sometimes, however 1/2 hour is the minimum. This seems to be working for me better than the pedometer approach. Good. A gray day, the earth crusted with stiff snow blobs and globs and ice patches here and there. Conscious walking in this weather means watching my step mostly. Just walked in my neighborhood. Here, there, and everywhere I walked past small and medium-sized groups of teens. Since it was morning, many were apparently gathering to plan their day or their whole weekend, or maybe their sp ...   read more

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Sharing walking experiences with you, from the place of a determined & peaceful observer, eternally in the present moment. more...

Last Activity: 16 y ago
37 Messages   Last message 16 y ago
40 Comments   Last comment 16 y ago

viewed 213,466 times
Created: 18 y   Jan 10 2006


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Comments (10 of 40):
Re: Walking vibr8 16 y
Re: Walking YourEnchante… 16 y
Re: The Signs are … AHarl… 17 y
Re: The Signs are … vibr8 17 y
Re: The Signs are … vibr8 17 y
Re: The Signs are … pinkn… 17 y
Re: The Signs are … AHarl… 17 y
Re: caduceus rings… vibr8 17 y
caduceus rings and… #7358… 17 y
Exercise can help … kermi… 18 y
All Comments (40)

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