the ark of the covenant has been found?
been there done that
25 m
† C †
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How can 6 million years of evolution be wrong???
18 y
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nobody persecutes, tortures and kills like christi...
7 y
† C †
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male circumcision = female sexual power
20 y
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what the hell happened to me? or Circumcision is E...
BSA Warning leavethemalone
13 y
† C †
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Circumcision causes inability to process emotions
11 y
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What is lost due to circumcision?
13 y
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This is a MUST READ
RN Marc O
19 y
† C †
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i want my foreskin back!!!!
R #60750
18 y
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THINK. Don't cut your baby boys!!!!
13 y
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There are NO reasons to circumcise (except religio...
13 y
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