#133264, the point of my argument is that most men want their fore skin. And most men deeply regret losing it. I know you have something against fore skin. I know there are other men that think the same as you. But you are in the minority. You may be a decent person in other areas but yeah I think there is something severely wrong with you to want to cut off a piece of your own body just the same as if you wanted to cut off a nose, ear, finger or what ever. I think it is wrong to do to a child before he becomes an adult who can make his own decisions. It is a human rights violation. I am still interested to see who you can find on the net who would say circumcision was the greatest thing that ever happened to them. I don't think you can because most normal men would never knowingly do that to that to their body. The only thing you will get is religious nuts and circum-fetishists.