Oh yes...that's right...when I circumcized my son, I was consciously thinking then and there...I'm gonna f**k the little bugger up so he'll never enjoy sex. I'll make it so that any woman that comes into his life will have control over him sexually. I refuse to allow him to experience any joy in lovemaking or any good sensation whatsoever. Where do people get this?? Actually, I was thinking that I would like to avoid any chance of him getting infection, problems later on with a tight foreskin. As much as I cried when he went in, I would rather him go in now and get it done and over with and never know what he was missing, then see him go through major problems later on in life and have to deal with it then. I've never know circumcision to control self-gratification or decrease sensitivity in a male. In fact, my son popped his first boner at three months when I changed his diaper and wiped him down. Won't be long before he's walking around with his hand down his diaper rubbing himself. As far as self-gratification goes...all men I know spank the monkey. In fact, women are known to spank the monkey less than men circumcized or not. I busted my late husband of 52 years playing with yourself, spanking the monkey one morning in the washroom...he was circumcized. At 52 you'd think he would really be insensitive down there. On the contrary.