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Re: Evil, not religion, ...
John Cullison Views: 4,898
Published: 18 y
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Re: Evil, not religion, ...

Well... actually, the "de-religionisation" of America is actually an attempt to convince people that they're no better than animals. If you can dehumanize everyone, then you can justify doing anything to anyone at any time.

But it's not atheists as a whole which are doing it, any more that it's all of Judaism that is hell-bent on killing any religious displays during Christmas.

Religion tells us that we're more than just animals -- that we are spiritual creatures, not just walking piles of meat and bone and blood, and that what we do here and now toward matters in ways that may not be directly obvious to us. All the various religions disagree on the specifics, but that's the basic religion pattern.

The military-industrial complex has been using whatever tools it has at its disposal to try to create the perfect soldier -- one intelligent enough to kill and without a conscience so he'll just accept his orders without question and carry them out. This is an old theme. Religion has been used for this (and continues to be used for this wherever it's still effective), but as Christianity has waned, it's lost the ability to simply order war for Jesus without question, so other methods are employed.

Convincing people that it's OK to kill other people because they're just animals (in other words, religion is wrong, God is dead, God doesn't exist, spirituality is a hoax, there's no such thing as spirits, we're all just delusional chemical reactions, etc., etc., etc.) is another method to use (which also serves other purposes). So religion is attacked on that basis. Disillusioned with the lies you've been fed by your minister? Well, God is a lie, anyway, we're all just evolved slime, so kill that slime over there before he kills you.

The whole point is to keep us from putting the weapons sellers and the bankers and the corporate leaders to death for their betrayal of humanity as a whole. It's about staying in power and, as much as possible, enslaving the rest of us for their own personal benefit. That's the agenda. But they have to have means of motivating us, because they cannot do it alone. Like the vampires and parasites that they are, they need us to serve them, and they are absolutely terrified that we'll finally decide that we've endured too much playing their stupid war games and are ready for something better, so they keep employing all the known ways to keep us at war with each other and our attentions off of them.

Meanwhile, they continue to bleed us for all we're worth.

The utter contempt they feel for others is the way to identify them, but they're a very tricky lot. They'll feign concern, but it's not genuine. You can easily detect them by how well they recognize the rights of others. The real enslavers don't care about anyone but themselves. They'll always insist on their own rights but seek to suppress the rights of everyone else. Even if they figure out how to fake it, they can't keep it up indefinitely, because then we'd truly be equals in this world, and this is something they absolutely cannot allow.

So when you see someone who consistently tramples others' rights, you know right away which team he's on -- whether or not he's consciously aware of it, he's siding with the enslavement team -- but the biggest clue is when someone uses his "rights" to punish or destroy others for simply being themselves. Evil likes to use religion particularly for this purpose, because it works really, really well (e.g. the right to believe in God the way you choose, used to insist that others must believe the same things you do or else they must be killed...)

And if you can learn to look at things that way, no one can fool you with simple claims about how this group or the other group is the real cause of evil in this world. The moment evil is discovered and defeated, it finds another group to hide in -- ideally, by infiltrating the group that defeated it. The group isn't evil, any more than a hammer is evil. It's how the group or hammer is used that determines intent. I can build a house with a hammer or club your head in. I can inspire people to be something more than they are with religion, or I can start another Crusade. It's all about the intent of the one(s) employing the tool.

So practice spotting the intent of the leaders and following courses of action to the consequences they will invariably arrive at. Evil, in whatever form it takes, always gives itself away.


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