Re: Again absurd...
Hi C,
No "bearing" here - I was really interested in hearing. I think that the more we (people) can understand one another, the more we will find similarities we can build on, which imho is the only way we can go forward and be better people, nations, etc.
I will say that I never got any anti-God feelings from my school field trips, and when I was a child, it never occured to me that to believe in
Science meant God does not exist. In my heart, they are quite compatible. In fact, the more I learn from science, the deeper appreciation I have for the complexities of the world and its creator. My understanding of God came from my parents, and I still feel that this is where children should learn about God and any particular religion they happened to be born into, or not, as the case may be. However, I do agree that there may be some in the scientific field who may have a mission to discredit God. And, I also think you are correct in implying that
Science can tend to be an arrogant discipline. But, I also think to flatly ignore scientific discoveries, and to say that (not saying that you do, but some do) anything that may "appear" to point away from the existence of God, is automatically a lie and a conspiracy, is equally blinding. Neither
Science nor reliigon has the complete answer, at least not yet, and we need to keep learning.