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Re: Evil, not religion, ...
John Cullison Views: 5,562
Published: 18 y
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Re: Evil, not religion, ...

OK, let's say for a moment that atheism is a tool by which the enslavers seek to further enslave us.


It isn't the disbelief in God that causes that problem. It's the "I'm better than you" issue. It isn't limited to atheism. It's a problem for any group that has beliefs.

There are atheists who recognize that they are no more special than anyone else. Their lack of a belief in God does not translate into a "better than" situation. It gives them a sense of humility, that they are just a little bitty part of a very big universe.

On the other hand, there are atheists who do see themselves as better than Christians.

But it isn't the atheism, the lack of belief in God, that's the problem.

The problem is the selfishness, and that's a component that the individual adds to it, not one that is inherently there. That's a problem in EVERY belief system. It isn't just atheism.

Atheism was a reaction to the Church and its continued insistence that everyone believe in the bogeyman Jehovah who will torture you forever and ever for not kowtowing to his incarnation, Jesus. They don't believe in that God (or, for that matter, any other). That's not a particularly evil thing. It's a rejection of Christianity and all other isms that don't have evidence to support their claims.

But attacking atheism as some sort of evil concoction that will be the undoing of America... it isn't the atheism that's doing it. It's the enslavers who seek to use ANY tool they can find to drive wedges between people and keep us from uniting against the enslavers. That isn't unique to atheism; in fact, atheism is one of the new kids on the block, so to speak.

If you're an _____ and you think that makes you better than someone else, more entitled to rights than someone else, then you are useful fodder for the enslavers. Fill in that blank with any belief system, and it holds true. It doesn't matter if it's atheism or Catholicism or Buddhism or Taoism or any other -ism or -ity (or any other relevant ending). All you are doing right now is being a useful idiot for the enslavers by suggesting that atheism is the problem with America. It isn't. The only thing wrong with America at this time is the belief that others, some others, any others, are something less and that their rights don't need to be respected. That's it. It doesn't matter of those others are Iraqis, gays, blacks, communists, atheists, whatever. It doesn't matter. Target a group as being "the cause of evil", and you've just made them the next victims in the game that's really, really old.

You want to end this stupid game? Really end it? Remind people that respect matters. Remind people that the other guy is just as important (not more important, not less important -- equally important). Remind people that we are each our own masters, not anyone else's slave. Get that out into general consciousness, and we have a shot at bringing peace to Earth. Anything else on your part is just an effort to keep history repeating itself. Haven't we had enough?


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