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Re: Atheism, not religion, is the real force behind the mass murders of history
autotronic Views: 4,532
Published: 18 y
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Re: Atheism, not religion, is the real force behind the mass murders of history

Sorry, Hitler was not an ateist. saying that atheism is the cause of all the violence you say it is, is completely absurd. Atheism is not a system of beliefs and not all atheists have the same goals or negative attitudes towards religion.
the atrocities and conflicts you mention are almost undoubtly the result of political and/or religious indifference. its naive to just flip the argument and say its the atheists fault im sorry but its not as cut and dry as you think it is, there is just so much more that can define a person besides whether or not they believe in god.
i think most atheist are just fed up with the neverending arguements about something that is simply not tangible and cant be proven or disproven.
the belief in god is not the problem, it is organized religion that manipulates this idea for its own agenda.
the idea of a god was intended to inspire and bring comfort to ones life regardless of how this person sees god, everybody is different and some simply dont need god in their life they are simply happy without it.
people like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins dont just attack religion and blame it for everything but what they are doing is bringing to peoples attention that it is OK to critize religion its ok to speak up and challenge it, religion has been playing a major role in the history of Mankind for quite a while and i think it is only healthy for us to be cautious on where we put our faith, civilization can not progress if we are hung up on old ideas.


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