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Re: Again absurd...
Celcius Views: 4,330
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 884,234

Re: Again absurd...

Hi Sans sucre!
Yes Im talking about property rights which includes oneself and ones industry and/or capacity to control ones life, no other citiezens in the world have these rights! America is totally unique in that it grants god giving inalienable rights! No other country or society has ever done this ! Simply said to beleive spiritually what you may but to deny that which has given you these rights is unamerican and unconstitutional! Liberty and freedom come with a price and that is vigilence and responsibility and accountablity to a higher authority which no man can deny! That can only be something higher then man himself a trust a contract with god and ones own moral and ethical accountablity ! Our founding fathers where deist against theism and the church but more against atheism which they say invalidates any oath or contract and denies inalienable god given rights disallowing any constitutional validity!
With freedom comes responsibility, promiscuity is not a responsible act you are accountable for this and abortion is not a god given right! Societies can condone this for certain reasons based on different things but it is still not a right by any means!
Sorry if this offends you, its just the way I see it ! Yes just me personally I dont expect others to agree with me in fact I expect the opposite!



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