You mean you don't believe Jesus?
"When you look in the mirror you are looking at
the image of god".
"That's a nice fantasy, but look at the condition of this world. If
being Godly were that easy, the world would be in better shape. Maybe that's why
it's in such bad shape,...because so many people all throughout history did
believe something like that. You have to admit, that is very egotistical. Jesus
never taught that there was anything Godly in just being human, He said that
human nature is human folly (foolishness). "
Hmmm.... Do you read the bible? The words of Jesus? He
never taught anything "Godly in just being human?"
Matthew 22:36-40 "Teacher, which is the great
commandment in the law?" And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.
This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You
shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments
depend all the law and the prophets."
Jesus words can't be more clear. Loving your neighbor is equal to
loving god. Loving god is no more important than loving your
neighbor. And of course you have to first love yourself. If Jesus
isn't saying that your neighbor and you are equal to god, then you aren't
reading that scripture. Your neighbor is Osama bin Laden, George Bush,
everyone in Africa, including those with AIDS, it is homosexuals, it is
heterosexuals, transgender, Pat Robertson, Hillary Clinton, and everyone
The world is in bad shape? Where have you been? Do you ever read
history? Or live it? We are better off than at any point in recorded
history. No other time was ever better. We eliminated slavery in
this country just 150 years ago. We gave women the right to vote less than
100 years ago. We finally eliminated overt Jim Crow about 40 years
ago. We eliminated Eastern European Communism 15 years ago. We went
through the worst depression in modern history about 70 years ago. We
killed between 50 and 70 million people in World War II, not to mention the holocaust
in Europe and the torture and execution of many thousands of Allied servicemen
and civilians in the war with the Japanese. And you think that today is
bad? Have you been living in a cave? Do you stay awake at night
mulling "how awful" everything is? I love what is happening in
the world today. I would rather live now than in any other time of human
history. These are fantastically exciting times and god is working wonders
every minute of every day.
"If being Godly were that easy, the world would be
in better shape. Maybe that's why it's in such bad shape,...because so many
people all throughout history did believe something like that. You have to
admit, that is very egotistical. Jesus never taught that there was anything
Godly in just being human, He said that human nature is human folly
(foolishness). Our natural limitations (Romans 6:19) are what keep us from
always walking with God and Jesus tells us that we have to overcome our natural
limitations by learning from His spirit. If natural man was fit for the kingdom
without God's intervention, then The Father in heaven would not have had to send
Jesus for us."
I think that I've already said the world isn't in bad shape. When we begin
believing what Jesus taught about loving our neighbor instead of killing them,
we can accomplish even greater things.
Anyone can walk and talk with god and Jesus anytime they want, and many
do. There are no limitations or restrictions. Again, he DID
teach us that there was something godly in being a spirit in a body.
"When you look in the mirror, it is not the
creator's image you see, it may be your choice to think it is, but that is YOUR
god, not THE God."
I was created in the image of god and so were you. If you don't believe
it, then you don't believe either the god of Genesis or the words of Jesus.