To deny that we are all gods is to deny the teachings of Jesus
"dont be a fool, you know completely, Jesus and
God are one. he gave up part of himself to come to earth to save man. simple. he
said I and the father are one, if you see me, you see the father. all things
were created by him."
As you've done many times in the past, you are once again calling Jesus a
liar! You don't quote scriptures, you don't even read your bible.
You just go by what some wild-eyed preacher has pounded into you.
Here is an email I received to my earlier post about Jesus not being god
(senders name omitted):
"Are you the one who said that Jesus is not God
just because He said
"Don't call Me good, there is none good but God?" This is what He
meant by that..."Don't call Me good unless you admit that I'm God"
Jesus can only be one of three things 1)a liar, 2)a lunatic or 3)who He says He
don't call Him God then you're making the wrong choice about His identity by
DEFAULT! Be warned!! Choose right!!
"A virgin shall conceive...unto us a Child is born. His Name shall be
called Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, Mighty God
(Isaiah 9:6)(who is this Child?!)
This "Child" did NOT deny He is God. Only God, a liar or a lunatic
would keep his mouth shut when asked if he claims to be God!!! He finally
opened His mouth and admitted it. Why do people miss this?It's right there in
the Bible... He said He is GOD! (God is triune)"
What both you and this person have done is to replace the words of Jesus with
"This is what He meant by that..."
It's what all antichrist teachings have to do in order to invalidate the true
teachings of Jesus. Read John 10:34-36 below and you will see that Jesus
clearly states that all men (and women) are gods. It was biblical in his
day and it is not only biblical today, it is the teaching of true Christianity.
The quote above from Isaiah is handed down from Zoraster who foretold the
virgin birth of Jesus. It was Zoraster who made that prediction and the
Hebrews borrowed it.
Notice too that name calling is the only resource that people have who don't
accept the teachings of Jesus. You call people fools. If I believe
what Jesus taught and you think I'm a fool, than I'm a fool and happy in your
choice of words.
Those who teach against these teachings of Jesus are like those who John
wrote about in 1 and 2 John. They are antichrists.
John 10:34-36 Jesus answered them, Is it not
written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the
word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the
Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I
said, I am the Son of God?