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Re: "The level of glutathione in the human body determines the strength of the immune system."
cora Views: 13,561
Published: 18 y
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Re: "The level of glutathione in the human body determines the strength of the immune system."

As a detox, rebuild, and in conjunction w an h2o2 IV drip (seperate IV bag) - I did a 3 day glutathione drip (2 hours of h2o2, then 1.5 hours of glut. per day - forget the ml. - it's considered a very slow drip) at my MD's office.

It was early enough on, and resulted in such breakdown of the Candida that the parasites became more "exposed", conspicuous - leading to the suspicion of their actuality by my doc.

Glutathione is great. Not saying anyone needs the drip. I was on IV for nutritional reasons due to severe weight loss and inability to swallow.

Now I take the sup every once in a while and consume lots of things which contain or have added glutiathione (beverages, mostly).

It's good stuff.

L- Cystiene is also becoming in my mind a critical weapon against the congestion and inflamation caused by Candida and certain new "old" buddies. Breaks up mucus - hence breaking up the yeast/fungus/freeing the feeding egg breeding worms and evolving larvae.

Just my thing. Doesn't need to belong or be of interest to everyone or anyone for that matter.



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