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Re: Fiber and bowels
monique_1 Views: 13,733
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 848,586

Re: Fiber and bowels

Oh lordy, milk is a hot topic. Nope, no raw milk, but not homogenized, just slighty pasteurized. Somebody told me that when the milk is fermented by bacteria the milk becomes a totally different product and that pasteurization and other stuff is not a problem? (I was thinking of the kefir) this was from

I found your whey at EBAY, and they sell to Europe:

*happy* time to heal my spongy friend.

It's actually crazy to get happy over such things, who else would be? I like to compare my reality with my friends/parents.. it's like we come from different planets. But again, they arent totally messed up internally either...

or are they?




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