Re: Distressing
I believe they have to be diagnosed first. The people I see on the boards seem to believe that everybody has them. Now my brother in law is a Urologist and I can tell you that the stuff that floats in the water that are called stones is not what he removes from people. And parasitology is not my field either. But I can tell you that there are millions of people world wide who follow a fasting and nutritional regime and don't take herbs or zap or flushes or cleanses who live long, healthy lives.
And I can tell you that the leading organization in the U.S. that promotes
Water Fasting and nutrition for health, The International Association of Hygenic Physicians sees no need in their practices for such things, and they have healthy patient populations.
So, I won't argue against the efficacy of such practices here, we could do that via email or on one of the boards you could suggest, if you want those who support such practices to be in the discussion. But we find no need for such practices using pure
Water Fasts and proper nutrition. No need for supplements or vitamins, except B-12 for Vegans, and possible some Omega 3 suppplementation via Flax seeds.