what i want!
very valid points. i was hoping tho that since grog got involved somehow i could help him. we all help each other one way or another, it's a matter how we process the information we are given. but i have to discern more.
anyway, here is what i want, and im sure i'm not the only one:
to be myself without having to dress down, play down, always be nice and considerate of OTHER'S feelings before mine, or be judged, or EXPECTED to be a certain way cause of sex or looks. to not have to be more cautious each time and sacrafice my feeling and spontaneity. to not be called naive because i think differently or because it makes me feel good to be generous and kind.
you know i just realized we are still in the dark ages somwhat! i'm asking for the impossible, i know, but you asked...and it's an a really good guestion. thank you.