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Re: Emotional Abuse.. Why should I care?
Wounded_Animal Views: 2,508
Published: 19 y
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Re: Emotional Abuse.. Why should I care?

Why shouldn't we care? We all should.

Some parents are smart enough to not lay a finger on us, just so that we can't have the tell-tale signs of physical abuse on our bodies and they get away scot-free. That's what happened to me. I had a systematic erosion of my self-esteem from degrading, nasty comments my parents directed at me. Can I prove it in court? NO. Can I prove to my psychologist that I was abused? Yes, because I now suffer from depression, general anxiety disorder, and a host of other problems.

You need to be able to look at your daughter and say to yourself. It's not my mother that I'm trying to live for, it's for my daughter. Certainly, I've thought numerous times of ending it, but I look at my two sons and go "I can't do that...that's taking the 'easy-way' out." So I keep fighting.


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