Re: Emotional Abuse.. Why should I care?
Hi Dave,
I just bought a book called "There Are No Accidents". Excellent reading! As a matter of a fact I bought it on the corner of
Sunset and Vine Street at the Borders yesterday. I have been home
NY, for about an hour now, after spending 5 days in Hollywood.
So, to answer my own question that started this post, I decided that running away (3200 miles away) was not the answer to my problem. Confornting it and working through it is my answer.
Being abused at any age is a scar for life. But the wound doesn't need to remain open. That is what I learned in the past few days.
I don't think you are a stalker!!! But, I am curious about your life and such (from pervious posts.
PTree always gives GREAT advice. I printed her post and read it often.
Happy New Year to you and yours! May I ask how old you and your wife are?