never been on askshelley might just check that out!
I feel mostly satisfied on the 3 hr diet. I cant say that I am really 'full' but at the same time you are allowed to fill up on salads if you need too. today I replaced salad with ice cream and grapefruit though.. I am streeeeeessssssed out with these assignments! by wednesday I will be abck to normal.. what ever that is !
I felt like I was losing control too. Since I have been married and trying to have a baby (3yrs) I have slooooowly put on the weight. My husband strangely enough likes it. but I dont. I used to be very healthy and I actually went for jogs out of the enjoyment of it and not for the exercise! Somewhere I lost the control and I dont know how it happened. I am not 100% sure the 3 hr diet is the complete solution but it is a start. I like that it shows the portions. I didnt know anything about portions before. and that you eat every 3 hrs. I want to get back into exercise but at the sme time its very boring for me. I do like jogging but only outside. we shall see. I am just trying to get the hang of this 3 hr diet first, Then I will decide what to do next. I also need to get a grip on binging when under stress too!