Another day with vit. C and I think it really is working! I'm really glad you took the time to post your message. Thank you!
That's great news with your diet. I know what you mean about the "forbidden foods." I pretty much want to live on products with flour. The Three Hour sounds better each time you mention it.
Thanks for offering to look into the castor oil packs for me, but I can check it out. It will be down the road for me anyways. There aren't enough hours in the day to try all of these different things. I tried oil swishing but kind of forgot about that too.
I think you had mentioned your interest in vit. C and it's effects on cholesterol. Apparently acv binds to cholesterol and pulls it out of the body. I just read organic vinegar is alive with living organism such as vinegar eels and flies.. YUCK! I'm thinking pasteurization is for me!