Re: Who do you say He is?
This is true but if you were to read the Bible quietly, unrushed, with an open heart, you should be able to HEAR the truth and the Holy Spirit in those words. (It might also help to PRAY beforehand that the Lord would soften your heart.)
You are presuming I haven't . . . with no basis, I might add. And why, exactly do you think my heart needs softening?
These people who wrote the Bible had first-hand experience with what happened. They saw and experienced it all. God put these people in a position to not only witness the event, but worked through them to spread the Gospel itself. I believe the Bible is absolutely Divinely inspired, despite being written by imperfect men.
I don't agree that the Gospels were all written by people with firsthand experience. Luke explicitly is at LEAST a secondhand recounting. And, of course, John is different in many ways from the other Gospels, in content, but also being the latest and with the oldest version being in Greek. It MIGHT have been by an eyewitness originally, but that is kind of doubtful.
Would you say that "divinely inspired" is synonymous with 100 percent the word of God?