Re: The Sinners Prayer: Does it Save You?
Refreshed, I just see the sinner's prayer as dangerous because people really do think that is what saves them, and from what I know, usually people are told they are saved after they say it, which I've always thought was dangerous too.
I believe Roman 10:9 can't just mean confessing Jesus with some words we say because countless false teachers, prophets, etc. confess Jesus with their mouths but they don't really believe in Jesus. Of course the second part of Romans 10:9 says, "and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" and that is key but we can't truly know someone else's heart and we can be deceived by our own hearts too so that's why I think it's dangerous to tell someone they are saved after they say the sinner's prayer. Plus in churches where they do this and have the alter calls, etc., it seems to me it's all very pressuring, with the emotionally charging music playing, etc. and so how many go down to the front just because they feel manipulated to do that?
If people put their trust in doing communion the same way they do saying the sinner's prayer, I'd think that was dangerous too.
We are not saved by anything we do but these things we do, communion, being baptized, confessing Jesus and believing in our hearts, are just the results of the saving work of God and not the cause of salvation. So it's trusting in the result (something we have done) that is dangerous I think because it's the cause we should be trusting in (the work of Jesus).