so I guess my autoinfection perianal strongyoidiasis is not part of your theory. MY THEORY IS L3 larvae will wake up from the walls of your intestine molt to stage 4 make it to your stomach become an adult and lay 100s of eggs a day. until my encysted L3 LARVAE ALL WAKE UP OR DIE. I will continue to become reinfected. THE L3 LARVAES job is to self preserve as a colony. THE L3 larvae ARE the infective ones. So in all logic I will have stay on meds until all the infective L3 LARVAE run there cycle. if all the eggs are shitted out, then your theory would have to explain why parasite populations increased in my body if they can only enter skin from soil. EGGS will hatch and molt in your feces in the large intestine feed off the lining like a leach NOT LEAVING until the reach that nasty L3 STAGE. This would explain intense itching before and after bowel movements. YOUR THOUGHTS